Do You Have Bad Breath?

Bad Smell treatment dentist East Melbourne

What you need to know about bad breath

Bad breath is not something you want. Ever. It is noticeable. Embarrassing. And something that reflects poorly on your health, both orally and overall. There is also being the butt of other’s jokes, and no one likes to be made fun of. With all that being said, a bad breath is everywhere. In the young. In the elderly. – When was your last Checkup & Clean?

And in tight spaces where it really makes itself known.

There is a list of reasons why someone would experience bad breath, but most of them revolved around the premise of good, oral hygiene (or lack there of.) It’s that simple. No matter the cause though, even if its because you have let certain oral standards slip, bad breath can drive a wedge between you and your partner, your family, and create uncomfortable and embarrassing social interactions.

So let’s do something about it……

Here are the facts on Bad breath

Like any condition, information and awareness are important. Together, they can form the catalyst for prevention and treatment, if of course, bad breath has found a home in your mouth.

  • Bad breath affects over 25% of the population. So don’t feel alone.
  • The most common cause of bad breath is halitosis which can be caused by poor oral hygiene that accumulates and forms bacteria.
  • Particles of food and foreign substances in the mouth provide bad smelling bacteria if they are not cleaned properly or cleared.
  • The importance of being properly hydrated can not be understated. Being hydrated not only helps your overall health, but reduces the population of foul smelling and odor causing bacteria in your mouth.
  • Ultimately, the best way to avoid the worst of bad breath is to practice good, proper oral hygiene. If you are flossing, brushing, and keeping well hydrated, you will greatly reduce the effects of such an unpopular and embarrassing condition


Dentist treats Bad Breath East Melbourne
Having bad breath from teeth

At Stanley Street Dental, our holistic approach to both dental overall health is a key factor when battling bad breath. A simple alteration in  your lifestyle or daily habits can completely rid your mouth of nasty odors, and protect you from the development of gum disease as well as keeping your teeth and oral cavity in good health.

Regular visits to the Stanley Street Dental Clinic will also reduce the likelihood of developing bad breath as a result of bacteria, tooth decay, and infection. It is thus recommended that you should visit us least twice a year.

As part of our commitment to holistic health, our dentists may recommend a specific course of action in order to provide the best care available. They are there to help you and get you back on the right path, so if this is the case, feel free to ask any questions.

Risk Factors

There are certainly clear and everyday things that can be substituted or removed completely from your lifestyle to control the odors in your mouth from becoming unpleasant.

Some of them are as follows:

Smoking: Is probably the most obvious, and more and more people are lighting up than ever before. It’s in movies. In the culture. And has been for generations. At Stanley Street Dental, we will never pass judgment or ridicule you for your choices, but we will offer you clear and precise information about how smoking in particular can deteriorate your gums and mouth while causing an instant case of bad breath.

Certain Foods: Garlic, seafood, and even wine, can certainly linger on the breath and send those around you searching for the nearest nostril peg. Luckily, there are ways to minimize this issue, while still allowing you to enjoy yourself and have a good time. Using mouthwash throughout the day or after a certain meal and chewing sugar-free dental gum both go a long way in reducing the odors of certain foods. The reason why garlic and onions (among others) cause an unpleasant smell is due to the process of certain bacteria that breaks down your food. Foul-smelling by-products are unfortunately the result, so again, mouthwash and gum are certainly your friend here.

Dental CleanlinessSimply? This boils down to how thorough you are when it comes to keeping your teeth and mouth clean and free from plaque build up. If you don’t necessarily care or are too lazy to keep up a daily routine, then understandably, your breath will certain reflect that.

If you are worried or embarrassed about bad breath, feel free to express this in the consultation and our dentists will do everything they can to assure you you are in good hands.

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